Quanto vale para você sua identidade e originalidade?
Se a Preemptor já faz parte da faculdade ou universidade na qual você está matriculada(o), basta solicitar o desconto de 80% no seu plano, e este desconto lhe estará assegurado por todo o período de duração do curso. Esse é um dos compromissos da Preemptor com a educação. Se a sua escola, faculdade ou universidade ainda não utiliza a Preemptor, fale com elas sobre esta ferramenta inovadora e fácil de usar.
Preemptor para high schools ajuda os alunos a serem bem sucedidos por meio da originalidade. Quando um aluno usa o Preemptor desde o início do seu período de high school, ele pode alcançar uma maior pontuação de originalidade acumulando pontos com base no número de tarefas que ele faz utilizando a Preemptor.
Quando você faz um exame de certificação utilizando a Preemptor, isso contribui para a sua pontuação no Score de Originalidade. Portanto, ser certificado por um órgão oficial de acreditação irá alavancar seu currículo tanto com a certificação em si quanto com o incremento no Score de Originalidade. Verifique se o exame que você está fazendo já usa a Preemptor, para se beneficiar de todas as vantagens oferecidas. Se o órgão de acreditação do seu exame ainda não está vinculado ao sistema da Preemptor, informe-nos e entraremos em contato com eles para futuras parcerias.
Originality and Identity Verifier
Spark Center, 2 Simcoe St. S.
Oshawa, ON, Canada
Tel: +1 437 388 3950 (somente whatsapp)
57 West 57th Street, Suite 400
New York, NY, 10019
Tel: +1 646 5767717
1. This website is managed by the Canadian start-up Internucleos Research Community Inc.
2. All feature are free for researchers Level 4, invited and approved by the Preemptor Team. Internucleos offers the services available on the website, including information and tools, as long as the user accepts the terms, conditions, notices and policies described on this agreement. The acceptance of these terms occurs electronically, at the first access, being absolutely essential to the use of the platform, services and products associated with it.
3. When visiting or using the website services, in part or in whole, in a paid or free manner, the user agrees with the terms described here, which apply to all users, and it is not fitting, by the express agreement expressed here, to claim unfamiliarity.
4. Any new tools or features added to the system will also be subject to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policies expressed herein. This term is available continuously, so that the consultation can be made at any time, in an unrestricted, free and free way. Continued use of or access to the site after changes are posted constitutes acceptance of the terms described herein.
5. By agreeing to these terms, the user confirms that he is of legal age and able to understand this information. It is also responsible for the use of login and password, in addition to the correct handling of this information, being responsible for its use and for any damage it may cause when logged into the platform.
6. Any use of password and login is the responsibility of the user, being fully responsible for the use or improper transfer to third parties.
7. The user undertakes not to transmit any viruses or any code of a harmful or destructive nature to the system and other users.
8. The user undertakes not to use the services, resources, tools and products for any illegal or unauthorized purpose, including copyright and moral rights on works stored and / or accessed via Preemptor.
9. Upon entering the system, the user accepts inclusion at the level determined by Preemptor team (1, 2, 3 or 4), in accordance with internal policies, derived from compliance with the scientific standard and scientific production. You also agree to have your rating visible to other users. Classification requirements are available in terms of use of the platform.
10. The user agrees and understands that he will be responsible for creating and maintaining the confidentiality of registered passwords to any account he uses to access Preemptor services. Likewise, Preemptor is responsible for keeping passwords encrypted for all users, without having access to passwords. In case of loss of passwords, they cannot be retrieved from our database. In case of loss of passwords, users can use the password reset tool, through which the user can create a new password for the access.
11. If the user becomes aware of any unauthorized use of his password or account, the user agrees to inform Preemptor immediately about what has happened.
12. Preemptor reserves the right to refuse to provide services to anyone at any time, when fraud, crime, misuse or disregard of the law is suspected.
13. When logging in, the user understands that, according to the law, the content (except credit card information) can be transferred without encryption and can be transmitted over several networks, undergo changes to adapt and adapt to the technical connection requirements or devices.Credit card data or other forms of payment, already existing or that may arise, will always be encrypted during the transfer between networks.
14. The user agrees not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or economically exploit any part of the Preemptor service, as well as its use, access or services provided, without the express written authorization.
15. The user agrees to be responsible for the data and information provided when making changes / requests to Preemptor, as well as for any manifestation or opinion made by him during the use of the platform.
16. Preemptor features and services will be accessible in web browsers, as well as in operating systems for mobile devices, such as IOS and Android.
17. The platform will keep the services available to the user during the contracted period. Any concession in addition, should be understood as mere liberality and, therefore, it can be interrupted at any time, without prior notice.
18. In the event that the user does not renew the subscription to services and products, Preemptor may remove the registration from its database, canceling its access, without the need for any notice or prior consent of the user. However, it undertakes to keep the personal and banking data of inactive users confidential and secure, as provided by law.
19. In the event of technical problems or the responsibility of third parties, such as the company providing communication or telecommunications services or the company providing hydro electricity, or even in the other event, the service may be interrupted, during the period necessary to the maintenance.
20. In view of the impossibility of the full and uninterrupted operation of any telecommunication or computer system, for 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, Internucleos does not guarantee the provision of the service in an uninterrupted or error-free manner, and in cases of interruption, reward the user with an increase in the interruption time at the end of the term of the contracted package. In the event of an interruption greater than 24 hours, the user will have the total amount of time the platform has been inactive plus the end of the contracted period, at no charge. In no way, there will be reimbursement of values.
21. Prices for platform products and services are subject to change, with prior notice to the user whenever this occurs. Preemptor reserves the right to include or exclude services and products, informing the changes to its users, whenever they compromise or modify the contracted and / or available package. Changes on the layout, location of items and availability of new tools may be made without prior notice, without changes in costs for the user.
22. Preemptor is not responsible for the internet connection used by the user, and it is up to the user to hire servers and/or providers of his choice for proper access to the internet and the services and products of the platform.
23. In the case of a collaborative platform, all Preemptor users can have access, IF PUBLISHED BY THE USER, to published texts, profile, curriculum and they are able to contact other users, excluding confidential information, such as ID documents such as passport number, credit card number, phone number, physical address, etc. By accepting these terms, you agree to have your published texts visible and available to other users, as well as the electronic address (email) with which you registered.
24. When using Preemptor platform, the user undertakes to provide only true, updated and complete information, declaring himself fully aware that the misuse of third party data and the provision of false information may characterize the practice of crime, putting the offender under the penalties provided for by the Canadian Law.
25. When publishing documents, the user expressly declares to waive any remuneration for copyright in favor of Preemptor and Internucleos. Republishing texts by third parties is the sole responsibility of the editors or organizers, understood by Preemptor only as a platform for sharing and storing materials and, as such, exempt from paying royalties.
26. Preemptor will not sell, rent, assign, loan or sell customers personal data.
27. The user must ensure that the materials uploaded on the platform are their intellectual property, declaring themselves aware of their responsibility for all activities and posts made from the moment of their log-in.
28. In the event of any claim by third parties on account of the use or publication of materials that have copyright and / or intellectual property, the user declares his responsibility for all publications made from his log-in, as well as for any indemnity, repair or compensation that is necessary due to misconduct or misuse of the Preemptor platform.
29. Preemptor will take all possible measures to maintain the confidentiality and security of the information allocated in the platform, but will not be liable for any damage that may be caused by the breach of these measures by third parties, which may subvert the security systems.
30. The brand, the corporate name of Preemptor, as well as the contents of the screens related to the features and services, as well as the programs, databases, networks and files that allow the user to access the account are the sole responsibility of the company and are protected by international copyright laws, treaties, trademarks, patents, models and industrial designs. Misuse, appropriation and total or partial reproduction of these contents and materials are prohibited, except with the express authorization of Internucleos.
31. It will be considered a fair reason for the immediate and unilateral termination of this term by Preemptor to find a violation of any of the provisions contemplated in this instrument or, even, if the user violates the legislation.
32. The violation of any of the terms described on these agreement results in the immediate termination of the services, as well as the application of sanctions provided for by international law.
33. The user declares and guarantees, for legal purposes, that he/she has the legal capacity to enter into this term and use the services of Preemptor. The user further declares that he/she has read and is in full agreement with all the terms of this document.
34. This term comes into force as of the electronic acceptance of the user and will remain in force for the duration of the provision of services.
35. This term is governed by the laws of Canada respecting international treaties where applicable.